My name is Dave Cox and I live in Maine. I travel a lot and find all sorts of Polaroid cameras. I buy them, test them for motor, flash, and picture quality, then clean them up. I package them with an optional pack of film, ready for you to buy, get, and shoot!
I want to spread the word of instant photography across the world and make it affordable to everyone.
Please use the contact form on the right if you have any questions about my shop or items or even just general questions about Polaroids!
I started selling Polaroid cameras and film accessories on Etsy in 2015 and it's time for me to branch out on my own. I am adding inventory regularly so please keep checking in! Add your email address down at the bottom to my mailing list to get periodic emails concerning new stock and sales.
Click here for my reviews on Etsy!
And check out my other shop, CoxRetros, on Etsy! I sell small vintage items you want!